

Incognito Braces

Invisible Orthodontic Treatment in Grand Rapids, MI

Modern braces are more accurate, convenient, comfortable, and discreet than ever - but for some patients, having a truly invisible form of orthodontic treatment is the best option. At Grand Ridge Orthodontics, we're proud to offer a wide variety of discreet orthodontic treatments, including Incognito hidden braces. Incognito braces, also called lingual braces, offer a truly invisible option for orthodontic treatment. No more goopy impressions! Our staff will video scan your teeth with our 3D scanner and produce casts of your teeth for the production of your unique lingual braces. As a premier orthodontist serving patients of all ages throughout the Grand Rapids area, we'll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that helps you achieve the smile of your dreams - invisibly.


What Are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are the most discreet orthodontic treatment options of all, helping you achieve a gorgeous new smile with an orthodontic appliance that's completely invisible to everyone but you and your Grand Rapids orthodontist. That's because while lingual braces use the same fundamental methods as traditional braces, they have one key difference: the brackets are mounted to the inside (tongue side) of teeth! This makes them absolutely invisible, creating an option for orthodontic treatment that's as discreet as possible.


Are Incognito Braces Right for Me?

Incognito braces are an excellent treatment option for anyone looking to achieve a new smile without compromising their physical appearance. They'll allow you to smile confidently for pictures, at events, and at work without needing to worry about bulky orthodontic appliances, all while improving your smile at the same time. That said, they aren't right for everyone. Incognito braces are more expensive than traditional braces, and they also take more time to get used to  - so generally, we don't recommend them for adolescent orthodontic patients. Incognito braces are an excellent option for adult professionals and businesspeople who need to make public contact and look professional in front of an audience or on camera.


Benefits of Lingual Braces

While they aren't right for everyone, lingual braces come with a number of advantages and benefits. Here are the main advantages of using lingual braces:


  • Appearance: Without a doubt, the main advantage of lingual braces is their discreet appearance. Completely invisible from the outside, lingual braces offer the most aesthetically appealing form of orthodontic treatment - bar none.


  • Confidence: Hand in hand with their appearance, lingual braces allow you to smile confidently in any situation. You'll never have to worry about having braces for a professional presentation, a photo, or a social event again.


  • Make Memories: One advantage of lingual braces goes beyond the actual duration of your treatment. Because your braces will be invisible in photos, you'll be able to make timeless memories with loved ones without the need to worry about braces - leaving you free to live your life to the fullest during orthodontic treatment.


  • Durability: Unlike removable aligners, Incognito lingual braces are not removed to eat and are working 24 hours a day!. They can never become discolored, yellow or opaque, do not crack or warp and are easily removed by our staff at completion.


Contact Your Grand Rapids, MI Orthodontist

All in all, Incognito braces offer an excellent treatment option for adults trying to improve their smile as discreetly as possible. If you'd like to learn more about how lingual braces or any other treatment we offer can help you revolutionize your smile, Dr. Monticello and the entire Grand Ridge Orthodontics team would be thrilled to help. Call us today at (616) 364-1700 to learn more about lingual braces, and if you'd like to set up a consultation, just reach out to us at our contact page. Together, we'll help you achieve a new smile you cherish for the rest of your life.